Dear Winefest 2016 participants and judges!

Please refer the following scoring sheet with overall results of the event.

Thank you to everybody who made this event a success with entering their wines, and participating as a judge.

Special thank you to the following volunteers who made it all possible:

  • Page and Dennis Campbell for opening their home to the event for the countless time, shopping for food, cooking stakes, setting up tables, cleaning up after the whole invasion, and the list goes on and on ... thank you!
  • Kathryn Chalfan for countless hours coordinating the event, serving entries for evaluation, and whatever else might have come up
  • Paul Woodward for keeping entrycategories straight, cooking excellent salmon and treating backoffice team to his excellent Chardonnay
  • Doug Haugen for washing countless glasses to keep the whole operation going
  • Elena Smirnova for entering results, printing award labels so scoring sheets could be distributed along with awards almost immediately after judging was completed
  • participants bringing snacks and helping to setup and clean up afterwards

Thank you!

Don't miss a chance to get a personal thank you next year

Thank you

Best regards

Alexey Smirnov

BEWBC VP of Wine