Brewing tip of the month: Less bottling mess

This month's tip of the month is a common sense approach to bottling.  When bottling out of a bottling bucket or even out of a counter pressure filler, there are tons of drips, overflows, and little spills that make your floor nice and sticky.  Why not bottle on a clean surface that it is okay to get messy?  Your dishwasher door!  If your dishwasher door is relatively flat, just open it up, put your bucket on the counter over the door, and start filling.  Clean-up is a breeze - just close the door.  Your door should be strong enough to hold a bunch of bottles, though I don't recommend putting your full bottling bucket on the door. 

If you have a brewing tip you would like to share with the club, please send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  It may be common sense to you but could save someone else's beer.